Can first responders find you when every second counts ™?

Labeling classroom windows, stairwells, and exit doors helps first responders to navigate the building, plan ahead, and make key decisions before entering the building. Location is the single most important piece of information that emergency response personnel need to know. Proper labeling and wayfinding speed operations overall.


First responders and school safety professionals agree that numbering classroom windows is a necessary and cost-effective safety improvement.

See what they are saying:


Following the tragic shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012, an advisory commission recommended the installation of labels for identifying exterior windows and doors:

  • “Each classroom having exterior windows shall have the classroom number affixed to the upper right hand corner of the first and last window of the corresponding classroom. The numbers shall be reflective, with contrasting background and shall be readable from the ground plain at a minimum distance of 50ft.”

    “All exterior doors that allow access to the interior of the school shall be numbered in sequential order in a clockwise manner starting with the main entrance. All numbers shall be visible from the street or closest point of entry/egress, contrast with its background and be retro-reflective.”

Source: Sandy Hook After Action Committee Report

  • “Ensure all campus buildings are clearly marked with easily identifiable markings known to first responders. Mark first floor classroom windows so first responders can identify classrooms from the exterior. Building numbers should also be on the roof for aerial support.”

Source: Window Marking Guidelines from Marjory Stoneman Douglas HS

  • “Display classroom number on windows so they are readily visible from the street”

Source: US Dept of Education - Classroom Numbering Recommendation

  • “During an emergency it may be necessary for responders to gain access through the door closest to the emergency scene. Numbering external doors can be extremely valuable to emergency responders and will also assist your students and staff in acclimating themselves to door locations in case of an emergency.”

Source: Center For Safe Schools: (Model Door Numbering System)


  • All exterior doorways which provide ingress and/or egress to the school building should be numbered sequentially on the exterior in a clockwise manner beginning with the main entrance. a. The numbers are clearly visible from the street or closest point of entry, contrast with the door’s background, and be composed of a reflective material. b. Placement and size should be in accordance with PA Center for Safe Schools recommendations or similar accepted standards. c. Entrances should have corresponding numbers on the interior portion of the door. d. Door numbers should be annotated on floor plans provided to first responders

Source: School Safety and Security Committee Safety and Security Assessment Criteria (Adopted Sept 2018) - Guidelines used by PA State Trooper’s RVAT


  • “The Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management in cooperation with the NH Fire and Police Chiefs Association, City of Manchester Police Department, NH Department of Education, and the NH Fire Marshall’s Office has endorsed a model system for the labeling or doors, windows, and other access points in NH schools.”

Source: New Hampshire Homeland Security and Emergency Management


WAYFINDER™ assures a worthwhile investment for schools with a reasonable price and maximum effectiveness that first responders need:

  • “Low-Cost, No-Cost Enhancements: not all physical security enhancements come with a big price tag. Security consultants provided the NJSBA Task Force with a list of maintenance and preventative measures…:

  • Number doors and rooms so that emergency responders can locate rooms quickly

  • Label room numbers on the exterior so emergency responders can locate them

  • Ensure that emergency evacuation maps are current”

Source: New Jersey School Boards Association School Safety Guidelines


  • Facility Numbering: Exterior doors are encouraged to be numbered above entrance doorways in a clockwise scheme, beginning with the number ‘1’ at the facilities main entrance. Numbering exterior doors can assist first responders identify where to enter a facility and can guide visitors towards the main entrance. Identical numbering is encouraged inside exterior entrances to enable individuals within a facility to relay information to first responders. Facility numbering should be developed through collaboration with local first responders. Any numbering system developed or supported by first responders is encouraged, as the system mentioned above may not be applicable to every facility.

Source: Indiana School Safety Guidelines for Emergency Response Systems


The WAYFINDER™ Safety System was developed in response to these guidelines, and remains as the only wayfinding solution on the market that meets and exceeds these guidelines.